Good Things Happen in Detroit, Sometimes

Date: 10/14/2019 Weather: 72 degrees, clear, full moon QIC: Manziel Pax: Bullseye, Crabcakes, Goob, Lambeau, Manziel, Pincher, Ripken, Shamwow, Trump, Wilson So I know you’re thinking, WTF is that title? Read on. At 5.15, the mission and core principles of F3 were shared, followed by the disclaimer. Because the disclaimer is normally so depressing, YHC …

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Tower Destruction

Weather for 5:15am at NBP Tower: 72 and humid with clear skies VQ: Sir Wallace 26 PIA: Condenser, Menziel, Ace, Bullseye, Steel, Trump, Bones, Wolverine, Deepdish, Goob, Dasani, ShamWow, Apache, EyeSpy, Drake, Jimmy Dean, Clutch, D-Fib, Sniper, Brutus, BigMac, Coupe, Sir Lancelot, ChiliPepper, Ripken With the pax finishing up stretches, announced Quick disclaimer, 5 core …

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Sidewalk Talk

Weather-  who can keep up these days Pax-  Goob, Drake, Ripken, Lancelot, Bubbles, Bing, ShamWow, Mugsy, Trump, Olympus, Posh, Manziel, Brutus, ChiliPepper, Pincher, and BigMac QIC- Goob As the Q mingled with the Pax this fine gloom, there was both confusion as to who was Q’ing and some trepidation as to what the said Q …

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DTSP unveils new exercise…

Stay tuned for the big announcement, or just watch the video.IMG_8274 3 DTSP had a light showing today, but a good beatdown.  Ripken was on Q which means many shenanigans could be in the works.  However, do to a lack of sleep and not enough coffee, the tenor was mild.  Also on best behavior with …

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TTs and Ply-no

If you’re like me, you prefer TTs with beer, but that’s another song. This Friday NBP beatdown was forewarned to the pax, and they still showed up in mass, 22 in all, to find out what their best time for a 1 mile time trial would be.  We led off with a rendition of the …

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A Challenge

Weather:  70’s – sorta getting tired of the same temps, but less humidity is welcome. QIC: Bing Pax: Trump, Bing, Wilson, Mr. Clean, Deep Dish, Big Mac, Olympus, Hightower, Sniper, Gator, Flip, Mugsy, Ripken, Drake, Chili Pepper, Goose, Wolverine, Lancelot, ShamWow, Pincher, Brutus, Thor Ripken and YHC returned from a 5 mile pre-run including a …

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69, Dudes!

Weather: 69F and a touch humid. The moonlight was spectacular. QIC: Lambeau Pax in Attendance: Ripkin, Bing, ShamWow, Lancelot, Sniper, BigMac While looking for a picture for this backblast, I realized that many on the Internet don’t know how to properly use a comma. That’s ok, it goes along with the comment made about my …

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No Man Left Behind

Temperature:  felt pretty good outside today Pax:  Goob, Bing (for a while), Ripken (for a while), Pincher, Big Mac, Sniper, Brutus, Lambeau, Wilson, Cottontail, Deep Dish, Trump, Bubbles, ShamWow, Wolverine, Posh, Flip, Goose At 5:15am, the 5 core principles were stated and the mozy started.  During the two lap mozy, the Pax did high knees, …

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EC On the Bike

Weather: A chill-ish in the air QIC: Bing Pax: Bing, Dogo, Sniper, Ripken, Cotton Tail, Brutus With a Tri scheduled for this weekend, Ripken set for a plan for YHC and himself, one that included riding upwards of 35 miles this gloom.  The plan was shared on the GroupMe Cycling channel and we had a …

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