F3 Lutz visits F3 Suncoast

Quick Intro/Disclaimer/Five Core Principles: -Free -Open to all Men -Held outdoors rain/shine, heat/cold -Led in Rotating fashion with no certification or training necessary -Always ends with COT Mosey and then Warm-up (All IC): -Imperial Walker x 20 -Squats x 10 -Frankensteins x 10 -Windmills x 10 -Merkins x 10 -Mountain Climbers x 10 -Burpees x …

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Show me the money!

Weather: 76 and humid, clear skies No one – and I mean no one – wants to do a VQ only days after his namesake make his VCFL start with the following statline: 11/20, 104 yards, 0 TDs, 4 INTs in a 50-11 loss.  Hey, that’s a 75% completion percentage if you count the ones …

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Be Like Bruce, Not Caitlyn

Conditions:  Hot, Humid and Hilly. We gathered at the base and walked the FNG through the paces of F3.  We chose not to haze him like the new pledges on Animal House.  We discussed the merits of being a Decathlete, with the winner of the Olympic challenge attaining the title of “World’s Greatest Athlete.”  We …

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Jail Break at the Tower!

Weather – a glorious mid-70 morning this gloom. We have been blessed with some amazing weather this week. YHC received a text in the evening from the scheduled Q that he was stranded in an airport in Charlotte, NC and would I be able to cover his Q.  YHC never passes up the opportunity to Q …

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Speed Bumps Again

It was another lovely hot, humid, mosquito filled morning at Adventure Park as the PAX arrive, including FIB visiting from Chicago. After the disclosure and core principles we started off with a mosy around the pond and parking lot doing some high knees and karaoke’s. We circles up for a round of SSH’s , Strawberry …

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Make A Merkin Great Again

Location: The Hooch – F3 Alpha (Alpharetta, GA) Ripken brought some of the Sunshine State to the Georgia Peaches. After being beat up by F3 Alpha twice during the week, it was time to deliver a beatdown F3 Suncoast style. No FNGs, no disclaimer. Recited the 5 Core Principles and a short prayer, and initiated …

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Make A Merkin Great Again

Ripken took his anger out on the Pax.  After a bad night’s sleep, sugar withdrawals, a sore back and minor constipation, it wasn’t looking to be fun for the boys.  It was seemingly looking up, but after a trip to the latrine with no TP and only paper towels as a remedy, Ripken was really …

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