Be Present and Partner Up

Weather – Seriously, was that a cool breeze we felt?

8 Pax embarked on the bus lot at Nolan for another beatdown served up by YHC. Being the first of the month, it is a good time to reflect on how we all stand with our word of the year, or decide on a new challenge for the month. More to come on that!

Mozi started with a few hot laps around the lot including the usual, and some dynamic stretching. High Knees, Butt Kickers, Knee to chest stretch, Carioca x2, etc.

COP: A bit of a twist on the speed round of COP for this gloom. After each exercise, the pax does 10 Monkey Humpers OYO. Not going to lie, the silence of the pax while performing Monkey Humpers OYO is a bit unnerving and awkward. COP includes:
1. SSH x25IC
2. Monkey Humpers x10 OYO
3. Windmills x10 IC
4. Monkey Humpers x10 OYO
5. Merkins x10 IC
6. Monkey Humpers x10 OYO
7. Peter Parkers x10 IC
8. Monkey Humpers x10 OYO

It was time for the Thang. After a mozi over to the basketball court, the pax partnered up for some bearcrawl/partner merkins/crawl bear. Pax lined up across from one another, bear crawled to half court for 10 Partner Merkins and then a crawl bear back. Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds. Round three saw a change of crawl bear to crab walk. This was clearly not a crowd favorite as the mumble chatter was high and YHC was already starting to feel some Merlo coming up.

Next up was a round of Burpee Catch Me If You Can. Partner 1 starts with 5 burpees while Partner 2 Nurs around the outside of the basketball courts (4 total basketball courts). Partner 1 completes the 5 burpees and sprints to Partner 2 who then starts his 5 burpees while Partner 2 Nurs. This was completed for 3 laps around the basketball courts.

While waiting for the six, the pax squatted and did overhead claps.

Rinse and repeat for 2 more laps with 5 diamond merkins instead of burpees for round 2.

With 10 minutes remaining, YHC borrowed an idea from his 2.0’s soccer coach and had the pax run the perimeter and foul lines 4x, each time facing in the same direction the entire lap and switching after each lap. Merlo was ready to fly after this round, speaking for myself!

After a short mozi back to home base, a round of mary was served up with the following:

1. LBCs
2. American Hammers
3. KneeBows
4. Flutter Kicks

YHC was reading The Fort’s newsletter last weekend and saw that their theme for the month is being PRESENT.  The realization that real relationships with your M, 2.0 and Sky Q can only form when you are truly present in the moment.  Paying close attention to them versus thinking about something in the past, stressing about the future, or even just multitasking with a device in front of you.  True, intimate, long lastings relationships are built when we forgive the past and we let go anxieties about the future.  Our undivided presence in our relationships with the people in our lives creates connections that will transcend the valleys of life and our presence with God gives us hope and is the only place to experience HIM intimately.

My challenge for myself in the month of August is to set aside the distractions (iphone) while spending time with the family.  I am mighty guilty of not spending time in the present with the family as I am always looking at my phone or thinking about work.  How can you improve the time you spend with your M, 2.0 and Sky Q?

2 Corinthians 16:9

For the Eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely HIS.


  • New AO launching tomorrow.
  • Bring supplies for school kids
  • Races coming up – you know them by now.
  • Prayers/Praise
    • James and his possible cancer treatment
      New fathers in the pax
      Traveling pax
      Family issues
      Prayers for clarity from doctors
      Prayers for the strength to remain present.