Monday Beatdown

Warm Up– 2 lap mozy incorporating high knees, butt kickers, karaoke front/back Jog to Stop Sign-Partner up 100 mirkins b/t partners. One does mirkins, the other doing side-straddle-hops Jog to First neighborhood entrance. 50 burpees b/t partners with flutter kick alternating Jog back to parking lot. 75 Carolina dry docks with alternating hello dollies. Meet at …

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One Minute Challenge

Weather: Foggy, 53 degrees Word of the Day: Church – A gathering of like-minded people for the same cause. F3 is definitely a church. We men were grateful to have Jesus join us for the workout today.  I hear he wasn’t even winded. After the obligatory mozy with a impromptu set of burpees rudely added, …

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Beautiful Morning for 4 Quarters of AYG

1st Quarter: Mosy Straddle Hops Moroccan night clubs Squats Jog in Place, High Knees, Butt Kickers Shuttles Karaoke Back Pedals Skips Mosy to other field 2nd Quarter: Circle of Fire – AYG- ALL YOU GOT – 30 seconds seven stations two rounds on one, break!! First Station – Jump Lunges both sets Second station – …

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Winter is Coming

It’s 5:15 am and it’s 59 degrees, the first cold weather workout heading into fall and winter and hoping for more weather like this. Everyone showed up with a long sleeve and/or sweat shirts.   Pax: Bing, Ripken, Sniper, Mr. Clean, Jimmy Dean, Gump (FNG), Underdog   We had 1 FNG in the gloom, Bing gave …

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AbScream not Ice Cream

The day started with a mile fun run for a few of us.  Ripken put the Pax through a wonderfully painful array of Crabby Toes, SPDs, LBCs, Tuck Jumps, Kneebows and GetUps.  Warm ups were WIMPS – Wacky Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Moving Merkins, Plank Jacks and Shuttle Kicks.  We did exercises, ran shuttle runs between …

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