AbScream not Ice Cream

The day started with a mile fun run for a few of us.  Ripken put the Pax through a wonderfully painful array of Crabby Toes, SPDs, LBCs, Tuck Jumps, Kneebows and GetUps.  Warm ups were WIMPS – Wacky Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Moving Merkins, Plank Jacks and Shuttle Kicks.  We did exercises, ran shuttle runs between 15 pylons and repeated.  Over 500 core exercises in 40 minutes.  A new FNG – SoCal – gave Underdog a run for the youngster award.

SPDs, Side Plank Dips, have been outlawed in 5 states due to their promiscuity.  Due to Chili Pepper missing his Q on Monday, Homer-to-Marge’s have been renamed Chili Peppers.  Lesson: Don’t miss your Q.

Word of Day:  John 3:16 – For God so loved {insert your name} that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him has everlasting life.