Monday Beatdown

Warm Up– 2 lap mozy incorporating high knees, butt kickers, karaoke front/back

Jog to Stop Sign-Partner up 100 mirkins b/t partners. One does mirkins, the other doing side-straddle-hops

Jog to First neighborhood entrance. 50 burpees b/t partners with flutter kick alternating

Jog back to parking lot. 75 Carolina dry docks with alternating hello dollies.

Meet at the rink. Split sides and do a durkin count down from 11. Six Pack used rink entrance to account for his lack of height (thank you Bing).  Partner is either in squat-hold or plank position on the other end. Alternate modes of transportation b/t leap frogs, bear crawls, and lunges after completing each round of durkins.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

-Prayers for fellow brothers recovering from injury

-Prayers for holiday season and gratefulness

-Announcements for toy drive honoring Operation Sweet Tooth. Please bring in any new or slightly loved toys (no plush toys) to any F3 workout in December.