Monday Morning Beatdown with Mike Tysons

Pax: Sniper (R), Amazon, Ripken, Chili Pepper, Jimmy Dean (R) (FNG), Six Pack (FNG), Ripken

You know it’s going to be a great morning when you pull in the parking lot to see two unfamiliar cars and one car you haven’t seen in a long time (great to see you in the gloom again, Amazon).  A Monday morning beatdown with 2 FNGs who found us through a post on the Next Door App!  And these guys loved it!!

After the disclaimer was read, we moseyed around the parking lot twice with high knees, butt kickers, toy soldiers and Karaoke.


  • SSH – 30 IC
  • Windmills – 10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers – 10 IC
  • Merkins – 10 IC
  • LBCs – 15 IC

The Thang

After a quick mosey over to the EchoChamber (street hockey rink), the Pax were introduced to a round of 11s that included Mike Tysons and LBCs.  Want to know what a Mike Tyson is, either post and we will show you, or check it out on the Nation’s exercise database.

We then grabbed some wall for People’s Chair while each Pax member bear crawled across the rink and back.  This was a burner, but a great amount of encouragement was given to the bears!!

The EchoChamber screams for some starfish exercises so we started in the middle of the faceoff circle for our first set which included 10 Merkins at each faceoff circle (total of 90 merkins for those counting). Second round included Nur and 30 Moroccan Night Clubs at each.

We then moseyed back to the parking lot for a round of Mary including Heels to Heaven, LBCs and Homers.

The Pax was energized this morning having a good sized showing along with two FNGs.  Everyone gave their all and started the week of right.


  • Ragnar – Only need a few more
  • Homeless Veteran Outreach – Amazon is going to pass along some information and start to bring unwanted clothing to be donated!
  • Sign up for your Q on the published sign-up sheet.


  • For our country
  • For safe travels for Reborn and his family
  • For Six Pack’s M’s co-worker and sister who died in a car accident this past week, and for their 4th grade daughter who survived the accident and has a long road ahead of her.