Tues Bike Q

All 6 HIM’s arrived on time… some riding in and some hauling their bikes. All headed out together heading down Lorriane Road with full knowledge that we would most likely split up into 2 groups working at different paces. Just south on University the team split into 2 groups but with precision accuracy the teams …

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Purposeful effort is better.

“Success is dependent on effort.” – Sophocles Weather Humid with a high chance of mosquitos. Warmorama YHC led the group in a short mosey to a COP for some warmup exercises in cadence: Daisy pickers SSHs MNCs Mountain Climbers Merkins Plank variations Then we moseyed to the south side of the parking lot for a …

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Wild at Heart | Week 1

Week 1 | Wild at Heart Weather | 77° F | Humidity 70% | Wind: 3mph E 8 Pax began the book study at Adventure Park and Celery Fields at 6:15 for this first week of Wild at Heart. This book is going to be really exciting. There have been many people reaching out to us indicating …

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Welcome Back-Stack

Weather: A delightful 73 degrees, clear skies YHC approached the AO with a great sense of expectancy as I’d been able to reach out to several MIA Pax yesterday to encourage them to post. My efforts were not in vain as no fewer than six Kotters posted this gloom. Ah, the sweet smell of success …

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Tues Cycling Q

4 Him’s arrived right on time including a YHC a new guy to the cycling Q. Headed out and down Lorraine road at nice pace all staying together for about the first 8 miles until YHC lost the draft and his legs. The Pax continued catching back up with YHC as I turned around a …

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Return of the Ghost Pepper

Great moon lit morning.  Mr Clean aided in starting the mozy shortly followed by Snipers Favorite (Happy B-Day) Monkey Humpers, followed by Groiners and Arm Circles. The Main Course.  Teams of two.  For those marked partner runs, Pax A completed as many exercises while Pax B ran the parking lot, then switch till completion. 100 …

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