Return of the Ghost Pepper

Great moon lit morning.  Mr Clean aided in starting the mozy shortly followed by Snipers Favorite (Happy B-Day) Monkey Humpers, followed by Groiners and Arm Circles.

The Main Course.  Teams of two.  For those marked partner runs, Pax A completed as many exercises while Pax B ran the parking lot, then switch till completion.

100 – Buddy Pistols (Squats Modify)
150 – Super Burpees / overhead clap – partner runs
200 – Hand Release Merkins – partner runs
250 – Bomb Jacks – partner runs
300 – Air Squats – partner runs
350 – Assisted Cross Jab Sit-Ups

During the course of the beatdown some numbers magically changes.  Not sure if it was the sweat splashing around or the huge mosquitoes..  the exercise board ended up a bit modified..

Seems I need to use permanent marker.

Prayers out the those involved in the Sunday night shooting/suicide, those Pax in recovery and all those needed prayer and a helping hand.

Remember to reach out tho those PAX that have not attended.  They may need some prayer, HC and may just a little shaming to get them back.

Build, Pray, Keep & WaitJude 1:20 – 25

Chili “ghost” Pepper..