Rotten to the Core

Weather: 75 degrees and humid

The pre-beatdown chatter was outstanding thanks to Bing sharing his story of getting chewed out by a yoga woman for disturbing the peace at Celery Fields on Saturday. After all, she was there first, and being there first is 90% of the law, or something like that.  Warning to those posting at that AO in the future – you might be doing lots of monkey humpers.

But 5.15 rolled around and after the core principles and disclaimers, we did a mozi that included nur, corioca x2, high knees, and toy soldiers. Then it was on to the Echo Chamber for a COP consisting of:

  • Florida Strawberry Pickers (10x IC)
  • SSH (20x IC)
  • Moroccan Nightclubs (20x IC)
  • Merkins (10x IC)

It was time to reveal the main event, which had been painstakingly written out by YHC the day before. As we’ve done in previous beatdowns, we had a set of 10 exercises, arranged into groups of 2. It was do the first 2 exercises, run a lap around the parking lot, then do the first 2 exercises and the next 2, run another lap, and so on until doing the entire list. The exercises were as follows:

  • 20x Plank Jacks
  • 10x Imperial Walkers (count one leg)
  • 25x Squats
  • 20x American Hammers (count one side)
  • 25x LBCs
  • 20x Flutter Kicks (count one leg)
  • 25x Carolina Drydocks
  • 40x Mountain Climbers (20 each leg)
  • 40x Peter Parkers (20 each leg)
  • Captain Thor, up to 10 sit ups

If you weren’t there and have read this far, you’ve figured out that this was a lot of core work. The pax actually completed the cycle much more quickly than anticipated, so YHC instructed them to do another full trip down the list, but they could substitute two exercises of their choosing in place of Captain Thor, which has quickly become a 4-letter word among the pax. Shockingly, Ripken passed on the opportunity to do Hoedowns and Richard Simmons.

We had a couple of minutes left for a brief Round of Mary. Big Mac, up first, decided that it was a good idea to do 7 burpees because it was Monday. Still haven’t figured out the logic behind that. Chili Pepper, apparently still devoid of imagination from his 100 burpee penalty the week before, had us to 7 more. And that brought us to 6.00.


  • Ripken plugged a triathlon at the Y on Super Bowl Sunday (and has since put it up on Mumble Chatter). The swimming bit is in a pool, so if there are red tide problems, we have bigger issues…..
  • F3 retreat in a week and a half
  • Care 2 Tri and Farm Bureau shooting events in November

Praises and prayer requests:

  • Injured pax
  • Ripken praised his M for improving her 3rd F (after he stopped bugging her about it – maybe there’s a lesson in there)
  • Prayers for ShamWow’s safe return
  • Prayers for Manziel’s M and 2.0s for a safe trip up north this weekend for his Bro-law’s baby shower, plus for a safe trip for his visitors from Chez Paree. Wait, what?!

YHC asked Sparky to lead us out, which turned out to be a really good decision because he managed to work the word “fartsack” into the closing prayer. As far as my research has indicated, this is the first time anyone’s ever used the word “fartsack” in a prayer of any sort. Well done.

