Welcome Back-Stack

Weather: A delightful 73 degrees, clear skies

YHC approached the AO with a great sense of expectancy as I’d been able to reach out to several MIA Pax yesterday to encourage them to post. My efforts were not in vain as no fewer than six Kotters posted this gloom.

Ah, the sweet smell of success hung in the air as the disclaimers and core principles were shared promptly at 0700.

Warmup:  We set out on a mosey that covered about a third of a mile and included high knees, buttkickers and karioca.

Beverages were transported out onto the soccer field and the F3 shovel flag was planted.

COP: SSH 25-4count, Florida Strawberry Pickers 10-4 count, Abe Vigodas 10-4 count, Merkins 10-4 count, Plank with six inch holds, Moroccan Nightclubs 25-4 count.

The THANG:  YHC was inspired by a prior Jimmy Dean beatdown and created the following “Stack”.

1)20SSH, 2)20Overhead Claps, 3)20 Squats, 4)20 LBCs, 5)20 Carolina Drydocks, 6)20 Lunges, 7)40 Mountain Climbers, 8)20American Hammers, 9)20 Merkins, 10)20 Burpees.

Complete 1), run to fence and back (about .17 miles), complete 1) & 2), run to fence and back, complete 1), 2), 3), run…you get the idea. This provided a good steady grind that took us right to the end at 0800. A handful of Hall of Famer types finished in time to repeat the last round (all 10 exercises). Several Pax rallied the six and, in true HIM fashion, made sure no man was left behind by joining him for the final fence run. This was good old-fashioned, coupon-free, 1,000 calorie per hour pain!

COT: We circled up around the flag for Name-O-Rama and we named our two FNGs. Ron “Cower”/55/found us on the Bayside website and Parker “Mongoose”&/12/was a guest of Dine-n-Dash. The count was 23 HIM.

Prayers were lifted up for continued peace and comfort for those touched by the tragic MVA on SR64 that claimed two local students, prayers for a 12 year old son to return to an appropriate focus, prayers for favor in Rock’s potential promotion, prayers for YHC’s 2.0 Ayden who has acquired the dreaded elementary school crud, and a praise report for Wilson’s new job with Lennar.

It was an absolute privilege to serve the Pax as Q this gloom. This brotherhood has been a tremendous blessing in so many lives, most certainly mine. Aye!