QSource | Q1.5 M

QSource | Q1.5 M Weather | 70° F | Humidity 63% | Wind: 8mph SE 10 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. It was a great turnout for our 2-year Manniversary convergence. If anyone feels compelled to lead one these discussions there is a signup sheet on the Q schedule. This morning we continued the first …

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Return of the Sniper

Trump met YHC at his residence to saddle up on the loaner again, which isn’t the fastest bike but as long as Trump needs it, it’s there for him. We have a quick conversation of who’s expected to show as we mount up. YHC mentions how he misses Sniper and how he has a great …

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Just us and the Pavement

Weather: a little muggy with temp at 61F and dew point at 60F. Nevertheless, a good day for a run. Welcome: at 0515, YHC greeted the Excalibur (who put in a mile or so by arriving 15-min early) and away we went. The Thang: With four straight weeks of high-intensity repeats and intervals at this AO, YHC thought …

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Too Much Truck

Weather: a bit on the chilly side (58F) with dew point in the upper 40s. Basically, a good day for a run. Welcome: As there was no pre-run this gloom, at 0515, YHC greeted the pax and away we went. The Thang: Nothing too complicated, nor too bold, simply 7-ish miles at easy pace with 2 x 1-mile …

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It was a beautiful morning gloom. Low 60’s, not too windy, 18 brave souls showed up and were smile’n and stretch’n and then Rowdy showed up! Still run’n hot from his days off it was time…time for Rowdies Revenge! 5:15am-5 core principals, disclaimer 5:16am-Mozy featuring an impromptu (and slightly dangerous) weave through the “road blocks”, …

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Der Beatdown Drei Uhr vierundvierzig

Weather: 58 and clear As per usual, topics of conversation got progressively more unpleasant leading up to the 5.15 start time. Fortunately, we eventually got to 5.15 and so YHC recited the core principles and disclaimer, just in more detail due to Bing having just returned and maybe needing some additional time to process someone …

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Hell Came to BreakFAST

Weather: a bit on the humid side with dew point in the 60s and temps around 68F. A light breeze came in from the NW, and some rain drops fell for about 15-min at the beginning of the beatdown. Welcome: at 0515, YHC greeted Defib and took off for a quick warm-up. Word was that Excalibur was …

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Trump VC

Trump meets YHC at residence to get fitted for a loaner. I take off out the driveway to hear a little mumble chatter coming from behind, guess it was a crash course on how to ride a bike again for Trump after many years away. We were off to meet the Pax as YHC gave …

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Madness in March

Conditions: 64 and clear Mozi We took a lap around the playground torwards the basketball court and did Butt kickers,high knees,Nur and kerioke. Warmup SSH,huggers, arm circles,Strawberry pickers,wind mills,mountain climbers and yes…. BBS The Thang  On the Basketball court we ripped out (2) 5X1 full court mini sprints We then jogged to the road that leads …

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