
It was a beautiful morning gloom. Low 60’s, not too windy, 18 brave souls showed up and were smile’n and stretch’n and then Rowdy showed up! Still run’n hot from his days off it was time…time for Rowdies Revenge!

5:15am-5 core principals, disclaimer

5:16am-Mozy featuring an impromptu (and slightly dangerous) weave through the “road blocks”, nuR, Butt Kickers, Karaoke both ways and High Knees.

5:19am-Side Straddle Hops(IK), Wind Mills(IK), Strawberry Pickers(IK) and Arm Circles(all sizes and both ways).

5:23am-Down to The Tower and let’s work! Dirty Dozen! Ascending Reps w/ Jail Breaks…1 Murkin, 1 Carolina Dry Dock, 1 Big Boy Sit Up and 1 Heels to Heaven- Jailbreak up The Tower-2 Murkins, 2 CDD’s, 2 Big Boy Sit Ups, 2 Heels to Heaven-Jailbreak down The Tower-and so on till 12 reps at the top. Fun, Fun, Fun…hardly any whining.

5:47am-Line up on the wall for the sloppiest, oddest, Banjo Bear Crawl ever! You had to be there!!

5:56am-4 American minutes (for our International vacationers) left to go… let’s do some core. On yer 6- Big Boy Sit ups for 2 minutes. Last two minutes gents… All Mighty Thors to finish the job. Again, hardly any whining!

Announcements- Guess who’s turn’n 2 tomorrow? We are! ere’body get to Adventure Park @ 6:15am for QSource or 7am for Beatdown. 2nd F after.
Whole bunch’a races come’n down the line.
March Madness Final Weigh Ins were today! Who won???

Praise Reports-Ripken got an assist from Chillipeppers powerful prayers to Sky Q and had a great business move!
Rowdy is allowed in his girlfriends house! He also hasn’t had a migraine all week!

Prayer Requests-Gridlocks In Laws are in a way and Gridlock and his M are have’n a helluva time get’n his Mother In Law down here from Leesburg. Prayers for healing and safe travels and rest for Mr. n Mrs. Lock.
Rowdy n his gal need prayer for situation with her ex/baby daddy. Please soften his heart towards Rowdy and give him a chance before judging. Soften Rowdies heart towards him as well.
Always prayers for injured n travel’n Pax.
Always prayers for all 1st Responders and especially our 3 Heroes…Sniper, Zeus n Hercules! Thank y’all for all ya do!

F3. Respect. Rowdy out.