Return of the Sniper

Trump met YHC at his residence to saddle up on the loaner again, which isn’t the fastest bike but as long as Trump needs it, it’s there for him. We have a quick conversation of who’s expected to show as we mount up. YHC mentions how he misses Sniper and how he has a great pace but he hadn’t been out lately.

Rolling up to WaWa, YHC notices a familiar looking truck, and beside it was Sniper with his bike. That’s the way to start a morning, seeing a PAX that hasn’t had the opportunity to join in some time. YHC gave him a big welcome back along with a high five.

Shortly after Bing comes around the corner on his slim sliver of a bike frame and straight out handle bars. He certainly upgraded to a potential rocket ship. Once he gets use to all that power he’s going to be a force to reckon with.

After a short Trump WaWa pit stop delay we were off. Averaging between 18-21 along the stretch. As expected not everyone was able to keep the pace and a few turn arounds were in order. We started and finished it together and that what it’s all about. Each with an extra 1000 calories burned to start our day.