It’s our Grand Opening!

“Welcome everyone! It’s our grand opening!” Band plays , confetti falls, the ribbon is cut and the crowd is two Pax members. The sky is overcast and rain falls on and off, heavy at times and the temps are warm at 86 degrees. As I look around I realize that myself and LL Bean will …

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Easy Hill Work

Weather: temp in low-70s and dew point in upper-60s. Welcome FL summer, let’s run! Pre-run: YHC and Defib hit the pavement at 0410 to log some easy miles on the Green Bridge. It was fun. Welcome: as Excalibur rolled-in, he wasn’t sure if he was early or late, but he sent YHC and Defib a text stating he …

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In a time Pinch

PAX was small this am, guess YHC is getting spoiled by all the bigger turnouts. Yet 1 brother is better than a solo, so no complaints here. YHC reminded the PAX of his time Pinch, (you like what I did there.) YHC had to be in the car and headed to Bonita Springs by 7:15. …

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On This Rock

Saturday hence past, was a morning teeming of glory, including but not limited by, the vastness of sunlight and lack thereof of temperature.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the amount of water vapor in the air was quite voluminous and oppressive, in a figurative, but not literal, definition as experienced, not simply witnessed.  If you’re not Manziel, …

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Better Late Than Never!

7am- 63 degrees, Sun is out, 3 souls, 5 core principals then a nice fellowship Mozy up to workout area. Stretching- 10 G’mornings, 10 Strawberry Pickers (IK), 10 Windmills (IK), Arm Circles (small to large, both directions), 10 Reach for the Stars (IK), 20 SSH (IK) Warm-Up- 1 lap at medium pace of the “upper …

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The Tower of 3 Ways

Weather: 77 degrees and humid OK, so the title of this sounds like something you might expect to see on Cinemax at 11.30 on a Saturday night, but trust me, this is suitable for reading at work (usual disclaimer: it depends on where you work). At 5.15, the core principles and disclaimers were recited and …

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