It’s our Grand Opening!

“Welcome everyone! It’s our grand opening!” Band plays , confetti falls, the ribbon is cut and the crowd is two Pax members. The sky is overcast and rain falls on and off, heavy at times and the temps are warm at 86 degrees. As I look around I realize that myself and LL Bean will carry the torch today so we begin. Five core principles, disclaimer out of the way we stretch and warm up for a few minutes and then double time to the park at the bay front.

Darkness (As I call it) sets in during the run and we stop for SSH and knock out 25 four counts then head off again to the park. We arrive and find the rain has cleared out everyone and all the of the park, playground and benches are mine to toy with. Time to get busy and get to The Thang

This is quickly becoming a favorite of mine because it provides a variety of ways to work the body and sharpen it. Along the 1/2 mile track we have lights poles evenly spaced that measure running distances, benches are everywhere for dips, step ups, incline and decline Merkins, and the playground has loads to offer as well. Exercise all varied in counts of 10, 15, 25, 50 per set. They ascended and descended in number with no rhyme or reason because I keep the body guessing.

We start with Sumo squats then run; the number of poles varies, speed will vary, we have double time and later we sprint as we progress and the chest opens up.  As we make our way around the park we complete almost three mile through the Darkness. WE start this way…

Seal Jacks 50 (always at the dolphin statue)

Plank Jacks 15

Dips, incline Merkins, decline Merkins and step ups are happening all over the park at every bench we find count of 10 (no mercy here)

Hand release Merkins

Carolina Dry Docks


We Dutch Skate between poles

Runs are now becoming sprints and we are racing each other


Pull ups in the playground

More declined Merkins using Picnic tables (starting to really feel it now)

We  lunge walk between poles (smoked quads are starting to shake)

Run some more (runs are all sprints now two or three light poles)

We finish up with one sprint back toward O’Leary’s Tiki Bar and conclude the beat-down with dynamic cool down stretches. With only two of us the conclusion was odd feeling in nature but still was carried out.

No need to count off since we were aware of each other and there was only two of us. Same with the namearama here it was more of name and nickname check.



  • Sup N Run on the 25th of May (Tip of the Spear with the most participants, keep it up guys)
  • SRQ Vets 5 k Hike on the 25th of May (If you do not Sup N Run BE HERE if you can)
  • Savage Race on the 9th of November F3 Suncoast Team ready for sign ups (Three HC right now for F3 need more soldiers)
  • Check Group Me for continuous coverage and announcements of upcoming 5k races, Go Ruck events, OCRs etc.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

  • As always Our First Responders, Our Military to stay on point and be safe and protected
  • All our injured and tired Pax member for a timely and healthy recovery


As we officially kick off an evening option for steel sharpening steel at AO Unconditional Surrender the skies are clearing and the darkness gives way to the hard work. Felling tired, a little gassed from all the hard running and work between sprints but of sound mind and body there is a welcomed clarity that sets in…”that’s all done, wanna grab a beer?” blurts out of me and we head to O’Learys for the 2nd F. You really can’t ask for more. Great work out, and teamwork and fellowship celebrated before heading back to our respective CPs.

I have said it before and you’ll hear me say it again, “you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far, then go together.”

Coop out, Airborne!