Better Late Than Never!

7am- 63 degrees, Sun is out, 3 souls, 5 core principals then a nice fellowship Mozy up to workout area.

Stretching- 10 G’mornings, 10 Strawberry Pickers (IK), 10 Windmills (IK), Arm Circles (small to large, both directions), 10 Reach for the Stars (IK), 20 SSH (IK)

Warm-Up- 1 lap at medium pace of the “upper trail” with 4 exercise stops and a final sprint up Grandmother Hill. Stop 1- 25 bench Dips. Stop 2- 25 Decline Merkins. Stop 3- 25 Squats (4on the roar!). Stop 4- 25 Lunges. Final sprint up Grandma back to workout area.

The Thang- 10 Carolina Dry Docks (upper body), 10 Jump Squats (lower body), 10 Big Boy Sit Ups (core), 10 Burpees (full body) repeat in decreasing reps down to 5. Recover.

(4 on the roar)

5 “Ignorant” Merkins (upper), 5 Reverse Lunges (lower), 5 All mighty Thors (core), 5 Reverse Burpees (full) repeat in decreasing reps to 0.

8am- Count’o’rama, Name’o’rama, COT

Announcements- Sup n Run, Ragnar, Juvenile Bootcamp needs more Men.
Praise Reports- Rowdy is ready to present for donors/partners.
Prayer Requests- YoYoMa and his M need prayers for clarity and discernment while facing a decision to take a leadership role in their church, Zima needs prayers to make it through another week, Rowdy needs prayers for clarity and proper communication skills while on the presentation trail.