In a time Pinch

PAX was small this am, guess YHC is getting spoiled by all the bigger turnouts. Yet 1 brother is better than a solo, so no complaints here.

YHC reminded the PAX of his time Pinch, (you like what I did there.) YHC had to be in the car and headed to Bonita Springs by 7:15. So the plan was to get the miles in as fast a possible and missing the COT.

JuCo was the first to take the lead and was out front for most of the stretch before University. Unfortunately he had some chain issues that slowed the pace some. At this point YHC couldn’t wait and had to keep pressing on.

Shortly after the Fruitville turn around YHC gave a thumbs up on the pass of JuCo and BigMac. This was the last time they were seen, there wasn’t time for the usual circle back and this certainly felt awkward. You alway pick up the six… YHC did not like this.

A text was sent at the end of the ride to make sure all PAX made it back safely.

BigMac training for a tri, went for a run right after. He’s looking more like littleMac than BigMac. What a transformation, an inspirational example of what this PAX and Sky Q can help you achieve.

Prayers for: Recall and their meeting for his boy. Trump’s ankle injury. Marvel recover from being sick. Bings son for a quick recovery from a broken finger.