80F  With a great breeze Mozy- Indian Run with 10lbs ball .5 miles thru the park Circle up-  SSH, windmills, Fl. Strawberry Pickers, M Night Club, Push Jacks, dead roaches, and Hello Dollys   THANG- DORA DOWNTOWN: Accending Dora with Partner running to 150yards between 50 Burpees 100- Merkins- 200- LBC s 300_ Squats 300- …

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Car Shopping Sucks

Weather:  74 degrees, 97% humidity- perfect weather for embracing the suck Location:  NBP (without the tower thanks to Paul Blart) QIC:  Goob Pax:  BigMac, Bing, Brutus, Clutch, ChiliPepper, Coop, Dasani, Defib, Deep Dish, Goob, Hot Pocket, Jimmy Dean, Manziel, McNuggett, Puck, Ripken, Sniper, and Trump The disclaimer was stated and before the mozy even began, …

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Unconditional Surrender 7/18/19

Weather: 78 degrees with a gentle breeze. It almost felt fall like. Almost! Location: Unconditional Surrender (under the John Ringling Bridge) QIC: Slater Pax: Papa Smurf, Clutch, Diesel, Coop, Slater Disclaimer and Core Principles followed by a mosey to the playground under the bridge. COP: 10 SSH, 10, Strawberry pickers, 10 Freddy Mercury’s, little arm …

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Directionally Challenged

Weather: 74F and 95% humidity  – otherwise known as “who ordered the cloud” QIC: Lambeau Pax: Bing, Deep Dish, Goob Well, 5:15 snuck up on us and when YHC announced it was time, the rest of the Pax seemed surprised. We headed out for the neighborhoods north of the park and found our way through …

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Smurf Salute to Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong

Weather: A full moon, but rather warm and humid. Reminded the gathered that the moon was often called a Buck Moon in mid summer, as it was so wide and bright you could see a buck’s horns against it in the light. Location: The sad news, even though we had a pre-nicknamed FNG, was that …

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Lambeau made me hungry, so I got 3-ways

Date: 7/15/2019 QIC: Manziel Pax: Barron, Big Mac, Chili Pepper, Crabcakes, Fishsticks, Goob, Manziel, McNugget, Ripken, ShamWow, Trump Weather: 75 degrees, clear, 275% humidity It’s Monday, which means time to kick off another week with a thrilling F3 beatdown. Core principles and disclaimers were read, and the mozi took us down to the area of …

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