Unconditional Surrender 7/18/19

Weather: 78 degrees with a gentle breeze. It almost felt fall like. Almost!

Location: Unconditional Surrender (under the John Ringling Bridge)

QIC: Slater

Pax: Papa Smurf, Clutch, Diesel, Coop, Slater

Disclaimer and Core Principles followed by a mosey to the playground under the bridge.

COP: 10 SSH, 10, Strawberry pickers, 10 Freddy Mercury’s, little arm circles, big arm circles.

The Thang: The pax  completed a set of 50 reps of an exercise and then completed one lap around the playground.                                            50 Merkins one lap, 50 LBC’s one lap, 50 arm claps one lap, 50 Freddy Mercury’s one lap, 50 dips one lap, 50 BB sit-ups one lap.                          Next the pax performed an exercise while each pax member took turns completing a lap. We completed SSH, Squat jumps, incline pull ups, and LBC’s It was now time to return to the statue. upon arrival we had one minute left. The Pax completed 60 seconds of dips on the benches facing the kissing statue.

Announcements: Tump and Baron VQ on Saturday at Adventure Park, Ragnar, savage race, half marathon in October.

Prayer Requests: Papa’s mother in law and praise for Clutch’s 2.0 receiving a full scholarship for college.