Head Locked 3 FNGs on the FLY

We doubled down on the head locking this AM.


Circle up than stretched than moseyed

Ran up the back side for a fun run;

1st bench 3 rounds of incline than decline finish up with dips 25 reps 3 rounds

2nd bench 2 rounds of Jerkins and jump ups 3 rounds 10 reps

Moseyed around the hill to LOVE hill

Love hill

One man runs down the hill 10 merkins than starts a bear crawl up the hill the other 2 run down to tag me than I run up the hill and back to tag them.

We ran this until we all made it to the top.

During the 2 round of love hill, Condenser and Snap shot decided to take a breather and head lock 3 dudes at the bottom so they joined us for the fun run and the rest of the AO.

Moseyed to the back parking lot for the Grinder;

Bear crawl to each line for some Merkins than LBCs increasing from 10 t o25,   I could tell the FNGs really enjoyed this one you could see the joy in their face!!

Line up single file for a Indian People Run back to the cars.  Than a pole stokers fest back to the parking lot, the FNGs were having so much fun I extended it.



IT was so great to meet 3 new pax members and some of my old pax members.

Great job to Condenser and Snap shot to head lock 3 guys this AM.

Condenser prayed us out with emotion as he and his family transition their foster baby to a loving family.

I am so inspired by that, taking gods children and loving them as your own!!!

That’s why I am ALL in, I love being around other men that live by  God’s purpose for life…