Bur-laps and Band-aids

Weather – a beautiful low-70s morning. YHC couldn’t help but feel sorry for all the shartsackers who missed a great morning for a beatdown. YHC and two other sorry souls (Bing and Sparky) enjoyed a pre-death run of 3.5 miles. It was a great time of fellowship as we shared family challenges, victories and the …

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F3 Lutz visits F3 Suncoast

Quick Intro/Disclaimer/Five Core Principles: -Free -Open to all Men -Held outdoors rain/shine, heat/cold -Led in Rotating fashion with no certification or training necessary -Always ends with COT Mosey and then Warm-up (All IC): -Imperial Walker x 20 -Squats x 10 -Frankensteins x 10 -Windmills x 10 -Merkins x 10 -Mountain Climbers x 10 -Burpees x …

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Show me the money!

Weather: 76 and humid, clear skies No one – and I mean no one – wants to do a VQ only days after his namesake make his VCFL start with the following statline: 11/20, 104 yards, 0 TDs, 4 INTs in a 50-11 loss.  Hey, that’s a 75% completion percentage if you count the ones …

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Speed Bumps Again

It was another lovely hot, humid, mosquito filled morning at Adventure Park as the PAX arrive, including FIB visiting from Chicago. After the disclosure and core principles we started off with a mosy around the pond and parking lot doing some high knees and karaoke’s. We circles up for a round of SSH’s , Strawberry …

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F3 All-Star Week Baseball Challenge

It was 6:55 and only 3 PAX were in sight.  YHC was mentally scrambling on how to modify his prepared beatdown.  Fortunately (and in typical F3 fashion), we finished strong, with 7 more PAX posting before the starting bell rang.  YHC advised that it was All-Star week for the Major Leagues and, as a result, …

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