Holy Cow! Man-Up Baseball Challenge

Weather: 75-degrees and foggy. 14 HIM relinquished the fartsack, shaking off the cobwebs, and posting in the dewy Gloom for a morning of pain.  Chili Pepper posted early for a pre-workout mosey.  YHC gathered and welcomed the PAX, providing the F3 disclaimer and encouraging more VQs in the upcoming weeks.  Drake led us in prayer and …

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A run for the tower

Weather:  58 and foggy – yes, it felt cold for Florida standards.  Sorry northern Pax. With the holiday week still in effect, many pax are downrange visiting family so turnout was light, but truly impactful.  We welcomed Charlotte F3 visitor Newport and took off for a mosey around the parking lot.  COP included: Strawberry Pickers …

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Christmas Eve Eve At Greenbrook

Even Santa needs F3 With Santa attending the mood of the Pax was jolly and full of the Christmas Spirit.  A 3 circle Mosey and we were ready to open some Christmas presents. The warm-up 20 Side straddle hops Moroccan night clubs wind mills (hamstring puller) p90 arms Bad back stretches The Thang Time to …

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Music City Mayhem

  The morning began with welcoming a FNG, soon to become Prompter, and reading the disclaimer and core principles. This workout was a “recreation” of a work out I attended while in Nashville. FNG – Disclaimer We are a peer led non-for profit group that uses public property for its work outs. No one is …

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Monday Beatdown

Warm Up– 2 lap mozy incorporating high knees, butt kickers, karaoke front/back Jog to Stop Sign-Partner up 100 mirkins b/t partners. One does mirkins, the other doing side-straddle-hops Jog to First neighborhood entrance. 50 burpees b/t partners with flutter kick alternating Jog back to parking lot. 75 Carolina dry docks with alternating hello dollies. Meet at …

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A Ghostly Beatdown

7 Pax for a Ghostly inspired Beat down. Warm Up Mozy Side Straddle Hops Peter Parkers Burpees on “Ghost” & Side Straddle in between to Ghost Busters . The Meat 4×20 Clean and Jerk w/Coupon Bear Crawl Hand release Merkins Sprint Masonry Swings (two and or singles) Bear crawls between stations LBC Sprint The Plus …

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Crisp Morning for a Beatdown

  Warm Up Mozy Weave Right and Left punch Slow/fast (20 each) Right & Left Punch + Duck Knee + Kicks Lunge + Knee + Kick + Jump Kick Sally squats The Meat Tabata Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Merkin Sprint Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Air Squats Sprint Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Burpees Sprint Tabata 8 …

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Reborn Visit

                The Pax of Lakewood Ranch had a special visitor from The Rock region of Rock Hill, SC.  Reborn has been planning his family vacation for months, but his first order of business was to get on the F3 Lakewood Ranch Q Schedule.  Reborn brought the pain, but …

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