Police Awaiting our Return – Monday Morning Madness

Weather  70 and drizzling occasionally. 5 Pax arrived 15 minutes early to get in a mile fun run and returned to the lot to find two Sheriff officers awaiting our return.  Not only were they Sheriff officers, but SWAT members.  Should we be concerned? Heck no, it was Sniper with an FNG!  We are likely …

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Hot Laps and Pain

Weather: 55 and perfect A much smaller than usual Wednesday crew was ready to take on a challenge, so we took off for a few laps around the bus lot including the usual warm up exercises of high knees, butt kickers and karaoke x2. COP included the following: Windmills x10 IC Imperial Walkers x10 IC …

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SWAT Training

Weather – 48 and Gloomy As the Pax settled in with some early mumble chatter, Sniper shared the core principles of F3 and we took off for a mosey around the parking lot with some skipping, high knees, butt kickers and Karaoke x2. COP included: SSH x20 IC Strawberry Pickers x10 IC Windmills – x10 …

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A run for the tower

Weather:  58 and foggy – yes, it felt cold for Florida standards.  Sorry northern Pax. With the holiday week still in effect, many pax are downrange visiting family so turnout was light, but truly impactful.  We welcomed Charlotte F3 visitor Newport and took off for a mosey around the parking lot.  COP included: Strawberry Pickers …

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Iceman Cometh

Weather: 38 and clear- a glorious morning. God works in amazing ways!  After receiving numerous texts from the regulars about being downrange or having family airport runs, and a number rightfully recovering from Ragnar, YHC was convinced it was going to be a solo day.  In fact, 5:15 struck and YHC was going to roll …

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