Deconstructing a Burpee

Weather: 54 and not sunny because it’s the Gloom!!

It was great to see so many cars in the parking, including the clown car of YHC with 3 total Pax.  We are loving the numbers this week!!

The pax took off for a mosey around the parking lot loop with the usual exercises, butt kickers, high knees, karaoke x2 and some walking Toy Soldiers to mix it up.

Upon return to the starting spot, we filmed another #ManUpBayside challenge, this time in cadence, and unfortunately a bit longer than 60 seconds.  But that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.  We counted to 40, yes, 80 LBCs to get started.

After a COP including: SSH, Cherry Pickers, and some others, we took off for the hill across the street.  Yes, there is a hill in Florida, and it is time to deconstruct a burpee.

Partner up and partner 1 runs up the hill, touching the curb (no cheating) while partner 2 starts the exercises…flip flop until complete.

  1. 1oo Hip Thrusters (think 2 legged Mountain Climbers)
  2. 100 Merkins
  3. 100 Jump Squats
  4. 100 Burpees

The sprint up the hill really provided no relief for the Pax, while the partner was getting after it.  This was a solid combination that made everyone stronger, no question about it.

After a longer job/drag back to the start, we did a round of Mary, pushing each of the Pax to cadence count, including our newbies from this week.  And guess what, they NAILED it.

Mary included more ab work (why not):

  1. Flutters
  2. Getting Sexy (Banjo?) – AKA Homer to Marge
  3. Heels to Heaven
  4. Flutter Kicks
  5. Freddie Mercury
  6. American Hammers
  7. Elbow touches to hip thingies
  8. Waited too long to type Backblast and can’t remember the last one.


  • Join the Slack Channel
  • Not at Greenbrook park tomorrow – at Adventure Park
  • Expecting many FNGs over the next 2 weeks so a challenge was made to make sure you get to know the FNG DURING the workout, don’t wait till COT.


  1. Praise that we didn’t hit the stairs at Benderson (Banjo is a funny dude)
  2. Prayers for Backdraft’s manager
  3. Praise and Prayers for Zeus running a half marathon this weekend
  4. Other Prayers that were lifted up, and I know there were others but they just aren’t coming to me.  Sorry!!

Great job guys…and see you in the next Gloom.