Holy Cow! Man-Up Baseball Challenge

Weather: 75-degrees and foggy. 14 HIM relinquished the fartsack, shaking off the cobwebs, and posting in the dewy Gloom for a morning of pain.  Chili Pepper posted early for a pre-workout mosey.  YHC gathered and welcomed the PAX, providing the F3 disclaimer and encouraging more VQs in the upcoming weeks.  Drake led us in prayer and …

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AAR/Backblast: GORUCK Light V-Day Massacre

Basic Information Cadre: Cody & Cody Event Type: GORUCK Light Location: Orlando, FL Special Event: Valentine’s Day Massacre Time: 5 Hours Distance: 8.25 Miles Packing List GORUCK advises a specific packing list on the event page, and I pretty much stuck to that: Backpack (GORUCK Rucker) 20# in iron plates (2x5s and 1×10) 3L Camelbak 1L Nalgene …

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Got Grip Saturday

28 Strong with 3 FNGs in attendance all eager to do flutter kicks. As the Pax came strolling in on this nice cool morning, each probably wondered what I was up to; wondering around with my head lamp. I was setting up “The Thang”, which was a workout alone. By the end of the morning …

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Friday Phun

Mosey started w doing all the normal stuff on second lap. Warm up Our warm up was a doozy… Moroccans, high knee touches,Arm circles, SSHops, huggers, mountain climbers, Windmills and finally bad back stretches. The Thang We crossed the street to bike path hill and started with drills at the bottom and then ran to …

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Wet Air at the Lions Pride

LionsPride180210 Mosey-up the side of the hill to our usual warmup up locale. Warma Rama: -Morrocan Night Clubs. 20 IC -side straddle hops 15 IC -yoga pose stretches -leg extensions with crunch 10 IC -slow bicycle stretches. The Thang: -mosey to Mother Hill -hillside suicide ladders: two marks placed on hill roughly 1/3 and 2/3 …

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