Pain Park

One of the best features of the Echo Chamber is the park in the back…now known as Pain Park.

No announcements, no warning, no FNGs.

Mozy commenced with small exercises every 1/10 mile or so.  Heading into the darkness on the shell trails in the park.  The sliver moon was beautiful, as were we sweaty men. We ended the mozy with side-straddle hops, push jacks, cross jacks, and everyones’ favorite Richard Simmons. We were grateful for the cover of darkness so no police reports could be filed for lewd and lascivious (had to look that spelling up!)

The pain commenced in 10 stations at Pain Park with step ups, merkins, squats, log jumps, lawnmowers, knee raises, pull ups, get ups, LBCs and crabby toes.  The timing was the lad with the 40# weight running down the trail and back.  We said lad returned, we did 10 jacks of the Q’s liking and switched stations.  Occasionally Ripken allowed for a drop of water to cross the lips of the Pax, but only if they paid in more pain.

We barely finished, but by the grace of God, the pain ended. Some prayers needed for Page, a family who lost a father unexpectedly, Greg and t-Bone’s dad. Ripken reminded us to face this week knowing that all the people we talk to, serve and work with are God’s children.  It should be our joy to interact and help them…and pleasing to God.

Word out.