Got Grip Saturday

28 Strong with 3 FNGs in attendance all eager to do flutter kicks.

As the Pax came strolling in on this nice cool morning, each probably wondered what I was up to; wondering around with my head lamp. I was setting up “The Thang”, which was a workout alone. By the end of the morning everyone would have grip.

COP included the following:

  1. Arm Circles
  2. Imperial Walkers X 20 IC
  3. Merkins X 20 IC
  4. Flutter Kicks X 15

The Thang:

It was time to get our Thang on, with a quick introductory of 4 pain stations, each with a rotation of 6 minutes each to help improve grip strength. Three exercises with alternatives identified and continued pain until my voice said time.

  • Station 1
    • Pull Ups -10, 15 or 20 – (Chairs Provided for assistance)
    • Rock Bag Salt Bag Squats – X 25 (Alternative Air Squats)
    • LBC’s -X 30
  • Station 2 (Echo Chamber)
    • 35 LB Bucket Carry -X 3 down and back
    • Merkins- X 20
    • American Hammer – X 20
  • Station 3
    • Cinder Block Pull – X 3 – Pull in Cinder Block, then run the block back and repeat (Alternative Moroccan Nightclubs)
    • Frog Jumps – Length of Cinder Block Pull (35Ft) or Standing Long Jump
    • Flutter Kick -X 20
  • Station 4 (Echo Chamber)
    • Farmers Carry – X 3 down and back (20 lbs. and 25 lbs)
    • Bear Crawl – X 3 Half length down and back
    • V Ups -X 20

The pain stations are ideal for 2 per exercise and rotate, and keep working through each set until time is called (do as many as you can during the time period). Water breaks at the half way mark with about 30-45 secs between stations.


Before finishing up with some half field sprints Drake reminded us about the “Man Up” challenge with this weeks spiritual challenge straight from Galatians Ch 5 . This chapter talks about being spirit led and the people you surround yourself with or the Pax your run with. How the spirit and those around you will influence who you are and what you want to become.


3 FNGs and one renaming took place to long lost Pax member. 28 strong we stood while Bing led Name O Rama and I closed with a prayer.


  • For all of the FNGs as they learn and embrace what F3 is all about
  • Safe Travels to Headliner and his family back to Argentina.


  • Drake’s Daughter recovered from Illness and back at school.
  • Big Praise for all those who volunteered at Night to Shine which was held on 2/9