July Block Party

Weather:  temperature was 78 degrees F and 95% humidity After the F3 core principles and a quick disclaimer were presented, the PAX began the usual Mosi around the parking lot.  The Mosi only included toy soldiers to slow down and avoid the late arrivals. COP: SSH’s Strawberry Pickers Windmills Imperial Squat Walkers Arm Circles Overhead …

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Killing Kryptonite | Week 5

Week 5 | Idolatry Weather | Warm and Muggy Diesel and Kotter continued the book study at Celery Fields at 6:15 for the fifth week of this 3rd F gathering. There were many Pax downrange this week. The reading assignment was chapters 10-12. Idolatry Throughout scripture God equates idolatry with adultery. Why do you think? Idolatry begins …

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“ and the Thunder Rolled”

With Thunder,Lightening and 82 degrees we rolled into the gloom hoping to complete another F3 BEATDOWN! The Lucky 7. The Mozi 2 laps around the lot with the usual kerioke, Nur, buttkickers, high knees…. all while watching and listening to the storm approaching. Warm up Imperial Walkers, SSH, windmills, Stawberry pickers and bad back stretches. …

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Saturday in The Park

Looked like we might have a light turn out then the cars started rolling in right on time for a very warm and humid morning. No FNG’s so we had a quick disclaimer and core principles and headed straight off into our Mosey. We Moseyed down around the  rink and down the path doing some …

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Yankee Doodle

The morning gloom was muggy, the sky was star filled and the mosquitos were a biting. After the F3 core principles and a quick disclaimer were presented, the PAX began the usual Mosi around the parking lot.  The Mosi included karaoke’s, butt kickers and toy soldiers. COP: SSH’s Strawberry Pickers Windmills Arm Circles Overhead Claps …

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Introduction to the Flerkin = Flashdance Merkin

11 brothers of the gloom and 1 FNG came out to enjoy some of my RVA F3 favorites like old glory and the burpee shuffle.  It was a great honor to lead today and I always enjoy the F2 time afterwords. The Thang Mosey around the island for 2 laps before we circled up for …

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F3 All-Star Week Baseball Challenge

It was 6:55 and only 3 PAX were in sight.  YHC was mentally scrambling on how to modify his prepared beatdown.  Fortunately (and in typical F3 fashion), we finished strong, with 7 more PAX posting before the starting bell rang.  YHC advised that it was All-Star week for the Major Leagues and, as a result, …

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