Saturday in The Park

Looked like we might have a light turn out then the cars started rolling in right on time for a very warm and humid morning.

No FNG’s so we had a quick disclaimer and core principles and headed straight off into our Mosey.

We Moseyed down around the  rink and down the path doing some High Knees, Karaoke’s and NUR’s.

Into the echo chamber we went for a warm up of SSH’s , Strawberry Pickers and Windmill’ (at Papa Smurf pace).

We were already circled up so began the 1st half of the Thang which was going to “Tabata” like in 8 minute sections.

We did the following  exercises for 30 seconds each with a 10 second break between them.

Merkins, Squats, Parker Peters, Shoulder Taps, Buzz Saw Planks, Leg Raises, jump Lunges, Prisoner Jump Squats

1 minute break Rinse and Repeat

Same process with new exercises…

Merkins, Squats, Parker Peters, Shoulder Taps, Buzz Saw Planks, Leg Raises, jump Lunges, Prisoner Jump Squats

1 minute break Rinse and Repeat

Handed off to SixPack for the 2nd Half of the Thang,,,

We headed off to the field, broke up into groups and did a round a Dora which 100 Burpees, 200 American Hammers and 200 CDD’s. The skies opened for a few minutes with heavy winds and rain while was actually a welcome relief.

We still had some time left so we unlocked the Truck tires and took turns flipping the tires 5 times before handing off to another PAX member. We did this until each person and done this at least 2 times with each time. While some PAX were flipping tires the others we doing assorted exercises.

We circled up had several announcements about the upcoming races, new AO (Unconditional Surrender), Zeus’s need for some help next Sat moving furniture and prayers for JD’s grand Nephew, Pinchers wife and Drake’s daughter.