The Last Beat down of 2017

Last beat down of the Year!  Familiar workout with a twist.  Warm-Ups Mozy w butt kicks + Carioca curb step/ups on each side Monkey Humpers Inch worm merkins Jabs singe, double Cross Jabs Groiners (plank, bring foot to outside of hand) Main Course – B.O.M.B.S.  – Tag Team Circuit 100 – Burpees/ overhead clap 150 …

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A run for the tower

Weather:  58 and foggy – yes, it felt cold for Florida standards.  Sorry northern Pax. With the holiday week still in effect, many pax are downrange visiting family so turnout was light, but truly impactful.  We welcomed Charlotte F3 visitor Newport and took off for a mosey around the parking lot.  COP included: Strawberry Pickers …

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On a starry morning, Five pax showed while others fartsacked the morning away. It was a basketball-themed morning…BYOB – bring your own basketball.  Just for fun, Ripken sneaked a few medicine “basketballs” into the rotation. We mozied to the court and proceeded to warm up using our balls.  We did walking planks on them, moving …

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Christmas Eve Eve At Greenbrook

Even Santa needs F3 With Santa attending the mood of the Pax was jolly and full of the Christmas Spirit.  A 3 circle Mosey and we were ready to open some Christmas presents. The warm-up 20 Side straddle hops Moroccan night clubs wind mills (hamstring puller) p90 arms Bad back stretches The Thang Time to …

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On a 60 degrees and “pea-soup” kind of morning, the Penta-pax hit it hard at the EchoChamber. Ice Man rolled in late with his eerie red bicycle light cutting through the total darkness, we mozy’d and prepped for an epic beatdown. (I had to type this with my nose, couldn’t lift my arms.) The appetizer …

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Music City Mayhem

  The morning began with welcoming a FNG, soon to become Prompter, and reading the disclaimer and core principles. This workout was a “recreation” of a work out I attended while in Nashville. FNG – Disclaimer We are a peer led non-for profit group that uses public property for its work outs. No one is …

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Iceman Cometh

Weather: 38 and clear- a glorious morning. God works in amazing ways!  After receiving numerous texts from the regulars about being downrange or having family airport runs, and a number rightfully recovering from Ragnar, YHC was convinced it was going to be a solo day.  In fact, 5:15 struck and YHC was going to roll …

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Wet and Chilly

We jogged our way up the side hill and did our warm-up on top of Mother Hill. WARMARAMA 1: Int/Ext shoulder rotations x 10 ea 2: Chest claps x 10 3: Quad stretch w/ alternating arm reach x 5 ea 4: Alternating Leg Kick x 5 ea 5: Mt Climber x 10 ea 6: Down …

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