Monday Beatdown

Warm Up– 2 lap mozy incorporating high knees, butt kickers, karaoke front/back Jog to Stop Sign-Partner up 100 mirkins b/t partners. One does mirkins, the other doing side-straddle-hops Jog to First neighborhood entrance. 50 burpees b/t partners with flutter kick alternating Jog back to parking lot. 75 Carolina dry docks with alternating hello dollies. Meet at …

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Merkin Ladder Served up nicely

Weather: 62 and delightful Pax: Ripken (R), Sniper, Mr. Clean (R), Wormy (FNG), Chili Pepper, Bing 4 Pax (Ripken, Sniper, Wormy (FNG) and YHC (your humble correspondent)) met at 4:40 for a 3 mile pre-run through the Greenbrook Preserve neighborhood, with lots of chatter and discussion about Ragnar. Upon return, we were greeted by Mr. Clean …

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Richard Simmons spotted at Adventure Park playground

Bing & Ripken participated in the 2 mile fun run prior to the workout.  Bing was in charge of the distance and somehow turned 2.0 miles into 2.7 miles.  He’s fired from navigation. After the Disclaimer, 5 Principlesand Mozy, Ripken served up the Appetizer. Consisting of: Richard Simmons (formerly known as Wacky Jacks), Criss/cross Jacks, …

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Winter is Coming

It’s 5:15 am and it’s 59 degrees, the first cold weather workout heading into fall and winter and hoping for more weather like this. Everyone showed up with a long sleeve and/or sweat shirts.   Pax: Bing, Ripken, Sniper, Mr. Clean, Jimmy Dean, Gump (FNG), Underdog   We had 1 FNG in the gloom, Bing gave …

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AbScream not Ice Cream

The day started with a mile fun run for a few of us.  Ripken put the Pax through a wonderfully painful array of Crabby Toes, SPDs, LBCs, Tuck Jumps, Kneebows and GetUps.  Warm ups were WIMPS – Wacky Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Moving Merkins, Plank Jacks and Shuttle Kicks.  We did exercises, ran shuttle runs between …

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No Q, No Problem

5:15 rolled around, and the Q had not arrived, so off we went for a mosey around the lot including high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke (2) to end at COP. SSH (30 IC) Merkins (10 IC) Mountain Climbers (14 IC) Imperial Walkers (10 IC) Monkey Humpers (10 IC) The Thang In an effort to keep …

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