Team Competition

Weather: Upper 70s QIC: Bing Pax: LG, McNugget, Scrum, ROTC, Bogata, Yamaha, ShamWow, Sparky, Dash, Pincher, Rowdy, Recall, Drake, Manziel, Big Mac, CottonTail, Bolt, Wofford, Haka, Aquaman Many of the pax ended our 3rd F discussion as the remainder of the pax arrived for a Bing Saturday gloom beatdown.  After sharing the disclaimer with our …

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Date: 06/08/19 Weather: 88-degrees and humid.  This was definitely a Gold Bond type of morning. QIC: Recall A strong 21 posted for this Saturday’s beat down.  YHC kicked off the workout with a quick recap of the 5-core principles.  The PAX completed a mosey around the pond and to the basketball court.  The mosey included …

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Paver Beatdown

Mozy x 2 Pre ghostpepper mozy then another mozy to the bridge.  Round of monkey humpers followed by one leg dips using the bridge rail, alternating legs, full length of bridge.  Set of LBC’s then Mozy back to get coupons. – 30 paver drags (plank and drag paver left to right then right to left) …

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