Paver Beatdown

Mozy x 2

Pre ghostpepper mozy then another mozy to the bridge.  Round of monkey humpers followed by one leg dips using the bridge rail, alternating legs, full length of bridge.  Set of LBC’s then Mozy back to get coupons.

– 30 paver drags (plank and drag paver left to right then right to left)

– 30 Pavers clean and jerk

– 30 big boy sit-ups with coupon

Paver pickups team relay

Pavers are placed in the middle of a large square.  4 teams, SSHs while one team member sprints to pick up brick and take it back to teams corner.  Next team member goes.  First round we sprinted.  Once all pavers were collected, we lunged pavers back to center in the same tag team fashion.  Next we crab-walked pavers to each corner.

Surprise, each paver has a number.  Each team now had to complete 30 reps of assigned exercise corresponding to number on paver.

  1. Super Burpee
  2. Bomb squat
  3. American Hammer w paver
  4. Hand release Merkin
  5. Cyclone

Each pax then grabbed 2 bricks and we completed around of Flower (bring sally up).

Circle of Trust

Praises for Rowdy’s fathers recovery, Aqua-man’s  coming 2.0 as well as Sparky’s 2.0.  Prayers for Messy.