Hot Stuff!!

YHC kinda forgot he had the Q! but a quick reminder from Brutus and a bit of an aid running the mozy got the juices flowing…  Disclaimers and five core…

Ladder 150

76゚ after a nice rain storm last night. After the 5 core principles were given, we did a few exercises; side straddle hops, windmills and strawberry pickers.   We also did…

August 19, 2016

August 19, 2016 was an important day for YHC.  It marked my first post at an F3 workout.  I am not entirely certain the exact number of F3 workouts I…

Brick Slayers

79° the coolness evaporated quickly to very humid. As YHC was setting up, car after car pulled into the parking lot, I  thought they were all lost.  At t:15 we…

Move to the beat(down)

First and foremost, Mr. Magoo was not listed in the PAX names, so I’m putting him right here at the top. Weather: 75 degrees / 90% humidity 5:15 – 5…

It just keeps going…

It was wonderful morning given it was August in the Suncoast at the Echo Chamber (EC). 18 pax matriculated through a Replay and AirWolf Qed beatdown that just kept going….(pax…

4 Corners to The Rampage of Gratitude

Beautiful morning for a beatdown! We started with a warm-up and a few stretches. We then did 10 burpees to kick us off and get the heart pumping. We then…

PlankWatch for Zamboni

Weather: Steamy as usual Today was a day to honor a fallen Pax from F3 Clearwater.  The men were introduced to the concept of a uniformed officer standing watch over…

Kotter being a Kotter

Weather: Perfectly cool for a beatdown at the Bee Hive. Warmorama with some calf raises, overhead claps, good mornings, MNCs, and imperial walkers. Mosey to the south end of the…

Birthday Lucky/Unlucky

After the 5 Core Principals and the disclaimer, Bing and Condenser took of on thier ruck, so we got started.  We mosied around the smaller parking lot, then started with:…