AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 08/13/2022


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: AirWolf, Comiskey, Drake, Lobstah, Manziel, Marvel, Mittens, Mrs. Doubtfire, Pikachu, Pork Roll, Replay, Sea Duty, SnapShot, Sonic Boom, Spartan, Tex, Usher, Willy Wonka,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf and Replay

The BackBlast:

It was wonderful morning given it was August in the Suncoast at the Echo Chamber (EC). 18 pax matriculated through a Replay and AirWolf Qed beatdown that just kept going….(pax count does not include 2 returning soccer 2.0s of a man named Peter who YHC tried to EH a week ago; they participated last week as well — we offered to give them names this week; they declined — if they participate next week the general feeling is they will get named just so we have something to call them)

SSH x10, Merkins x10, Squats x10, mile run (to the “Tree” and back to EC)

Dora (EC)
LBCs x100
Carolina Dry Docks x150
Mountain Climbers x200 (count each leg)

7s Drill (EC)
Push the Rock (MOT: Mosey)
Long Swimmers (MOT: NUR)

Starfish (EC; 5 stations: center and four circles/corners; MOT: karaoke)
Start at center: 5 burpees
Go to a corner: check paper for exercise — SSH, Merkins, Squats, or Crunchy Frog (10 each station)
Return to center between each corner for burpees; complete when all corners are done and back at center (5 burpees)

Ladder (EC)
Peter Parker x1 (4 count; on all odd numbers)
Parker Peter x2 (4 count; on all even numbers)
Work your way from 1->10 and back down again
MOT: side shuffle to other side facing the soccer fields

Cheaper by the Dozen (12 of each exercise IC)
Jump Squats
Wide Merkins
Leg Lifts
Banana Hammocks
Crunchy Frog

CoT: Announcements: Fort DeSoto triathlon on 8/21 for any looking to get a shorter one out of the way possibly; Augusta half-Ironman is 9/25; 10/8 is the Laps for Life Walk/Ruck/Run on Siesta Key; 10/29 there are TWO events: -Alzheimer’s Association Walk (see Manziel for details) -Manasota BUDS 20th Anniversary Buddy Walk; WildPax is the weekend before Thanksgiving (pay your $120 and you’re in; see the #wild-pax-csaup channel for details)); I think Fireball still has two opening’s for Ragnar (DEC 2-3) also. TaPs: Praises for a good first day of high school for Drake’s daughter this past week; prayers for Jimmy Dean’s safe return from his Sturgis, SD trip that was cut short by sickness; prayers for Pork Roll’s father, Mark, as he recovers from a stroke; prayer’s Willy Wonka’s business as he will be charitably contributing 25% of gross revenue; praises for Usher’s heart not needing surgery yet and his next imagery/scan coming in December; last, but not least, Mrs. Doubtfire and Pete (Usher’s friend) continue to need prayer following and during their cancer treatments, respectively, along with any other pax or family/friends of pax in a cancer battle.

The Backblast was almost as long at the beatdown.  If you missed it, I hope you were supporting VMA!  If you fartsacked, come on out with your fellow Pax and accelerate!  We need you!

-AirWolf, Out


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