AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 08/19/2022


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names: Breadcrumbs, Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Deep Dish, Defib, Fireball, Kotter, Mrs. Doubtfire, Probert, Sea Lion, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Sonic Boom, Sparkler, Spartan, Swoosh, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

August 19, 2016 was an important day for YHC.  It marked my first post at an F3 workout.  I am not entirely certain the exact number of F3 workouts I have posted to, but I have a pretty good ballpark.  The total is north of 1,000, and probably shy of 1,250.  Regardless, as of today, the first and most recent were “identical.”

As the pre workout ended, it was time to get going at 5:15.

Mission Statement

5 Core Principles


Quick history lesson – my then next door neighbor, Splash, convinced me to come on out to F3.  So, I posted to Impossible Situation at 7am.  The rest is history.


Mosey to remote area of parking lot for:

SSH x 15 IC

Strawberry pickers x 15 IC

Arm circles forward x 10 IC HOLD

Arm circles reverse x 10 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC


Warm up lap – Nur, Apollo Creeds, Nur, and regular styles were involved as we ran around in a rectangular pattern.


Mosey to front of Best Buy and grab some wall.

People’s chair for:

Jack Reachers x 20 IC

Donkey Kicks x 10 OYO

Jack Reachers x 20 IC

Donkey Kicks x 10 OYO


Mosey to the front of what used to be Michaels (i think).  Find some space around the elevated areas.

Tabata Time

20 seconds on/10 seconds off.

8 rounds per set

3 sets

30 seconds rest between sets

Set 1:  R leg step up

Set 2:  L leg step up

Set 3:  Dips

Music:  Green River by CCR


Mosey back to artificial grass area.  Split into two groups.

Beginning at the far end, bear crawl to opposite end.  Mosey back.

When pax returns, next pax starts bear crawling.  Continue until all pax are back.


REPEATO, this time lunge walk and mosey back.


Only a few minutes left for MARY:


LBCs x 18 IC





Thank you all for coming out and posting for my 6 year celebration.

Cat 5 also celebrating an anniversary – 1 year of F3!

War Baby:  Swoosh

War Daddy:  Spartan

Cobains, as YHC may have totally destroyed one of the plastic chairs.

Kotter knows the difference between CCR and Tom Petty…..

YHC is pretty sure that many of you are half bear, considering how fast you all crawl

After we finished, a woman approached Usher and Mrs. Doubtfire, inquiring about what we were doing.  A business card was promptly handed over, and she was encouraged to have the males in her life come on out.  Well done, boys!

VMA – this Saturday (tomorrow!), 8:30?  Pride Park.  Come on out and join Back Flip!

Kotter has his 5 year anniversary at Echo Chamber tomorrow.

Fireball was the 6, and spoke from the heart.  I am consistently amazed and humbled at the honesty and vulnerability of the men of F3.

Week from Wednesday – Men’s conference. Wolverine will send out details.

Probert has his Suncoast VQ at Hard Knocks University next week.

The Tower – needs Qs, or Chilipepper will punish.

Iron Pax

Wild Pax

Ragnar Relay team needs one more runner!  See Fireball.

Kotter’s dad posted yesterday – now known as John Deere.

Continued prayers for Bing.


YHC took us out, giving thanks.


15 Pax then assembled for coffee at Maple Street!  Best part of the day.


P.S. – Five years ago, YHC celebrated my 1 year anniversary by leading the actual workout.  Want to read another backblast?  Sure you do!  Here is my write up from 5 years ago:


Brutus – the keys are with the broken pieces of the chair.


Have a great day and weekend!









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