AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 08/25/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Fireball, Flaco, Kotter, Krusty, Pork Roll, SnapShot, Sodfather, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

76゚ after a nice rain storm last night.

After the 5 core principles were given, we did a few exercises; side straddle hops, windmills and strawberry pickers.   We also did a bit of streching.
We then mozied over to the circle for the thang.

Descending Ladder
150 Overhead claps
140 LBCs
130 Moroccan nightclubs
120 Squats
110 American Hammers
100 Side straddle hops
90 Strawberry pickers
80 Single shoulder taps
70 Merkins
60 Imperial walkers
50 Mountain climbers
40 Carolina dry docs
30 Windmills
20 of 30-60-90
10 Foxholes
As we were running out of time and not going to finish, YHC called an audible for 100 merkins in the round.
In between each exercise, the PAX were instructed to run around the circle.

Announcements:  Oct. 8, Laps for Life; Oct. 29, Manasota Buddies Walk; Oct. 29, Alzheimer’s Walk;  Nov. 17 Wild Pax; Dec 2, Ragnar.

Prayers: Baryshnikov, Tom and Mary McCarthy (SnapShots in-laws), Check Point in Alamo.

Always a pleasure to lead these men.

SnapShot 📸

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