What goes up must come down

74 degrees and 83% Humidity…. YHC arrived at 0445 to set up for the festivities and noticed that Defib was already out running and Gridlock was preparing to headout.  After…

Progressive Bridge Repeats

Weather- Florida in early September, not much imagine needed.  It was hot and humid BUT NOT RAINING so it was a win. The Thang- at 5:14am and the four PAX…

16 years

Weather- summer in Florida, 96% humidity and 79 degrees By the time 5:15am rolled around, many PAX had already been active and putting in EC.  We had three run 7…

Don’t SLACK on Communication

Weather: It’s Florida… YHC rolled into the parking lot to find several PAX getting in some EC, well done. Bing showing up only for EC, as he had a flight…

1 Box, 4 Corners, 10 Coupons and 35 men

Conditions:  Dark, 78 and very humid….great for all the “respect” pax joints and muscles. Chore principals and disclaimers stated! Mozi: We jogged the bridge and included Nur, high knees,kerioke and more…

Christmas in June? Burpees!!!

So today is an important day, Like Christmas 4 Me.. Today is Royal H. Burpee 124st birthday. A brief history of the Burpee.. Created in 1939 to find a simple…


Today was meant to be a reprieve from a tough May Challenge of running and merkins.  Unfortunately, that meant a heavy dose of butt-grinding, ab-smashing goodness delivered right from the…

The Three Corners of Life

Weather: 74 Humidity: 68% YHC pulled in the parking lot at 5:50am, still dark and noticed a car already parked, At first I thought it was a Law Enforcement Officer…