The BackBlast:

Weather- summer in Florida, 96% humidity and 79 degrees

By the time 5:15am rolled around, many PAX had already been active and putting in EC.  We had three run 7 miles, two more join for 3.5 miles, and a handful of eager bikers taking laps around the lake.  Establishing that there were no FNG’s but 3 down range guests in attendance (Spam-a-lot, Night Shift, and Thurmanator), YHC recited the 5 core values and began the mozy.  After a 1 lap mozy consisting of the usual high knees, butt kickers, Carioca each direction, and NUR, the PAX circled up at the starting line for some warmup.

  • 16 SSH IC (established this as the theme of the day)
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers IC
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 10 Agitators IC
  • Arm circles both ways OYO

Post warmup, YHC provided an outline of the task at hand.  Today was July ninth, or 7/9.  Goob let everyone know that he was married on July 9th, 2005 (for all you math wizards out there that is 16 years ago today).  Having previously established 16 as the theme of the day, Goob proceeded to lay out the terms of the beating at hand.  We would play four corners (the rectangle of the main parking lot) and each corner was an ode to the 4 established numbers- 7, 9, 5, 16.  Once at the corner, a cheat sheet of recommended terrible ideas awaited them. The task was simple- perform 7 reps of the first exercise, move on to the next corner for 9 reps, etc.  To make it even more interesting, it was recommended to be stacked, continuously building upon the previous set.  YHC overheard it described as a “35 minute series of mini body blows that wore you down to nothing by the end.”  Mission accomplished- you guys followed blindly once again into a full body beating that you’ll be sure to feel tomorrow (and maybe Sunday if you are lucky).

The Thang-

7- American Hammers (count 1 leg), Gas Pumps, Low Country Crab (count 1 leg), and Heel Taps (count 1 heel)

9-Mountain Climbers (1 leg), Parker Peters (1 leg), Imperial Walkers (1 leg), LBC’s

5-Air Squats, Burpees, Lunges (count 1 leg), LL Cool J (right lunge, left lunge, squat, jump)

16-Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Merkins, CDD’s


Everyone completed the circuit in its entirety at least once.  Lots of reps plus a minimum of 1.5 miles run. Congrats to all participating PAX!  And shoutout to Lancelot for performing all reps of the exercises in place despite a fractured foot and while wearing a boot.


  1. Green Beret beat down on July 10th at Celery Fields, 7 am
  2. Spartan VQ at AP on July 10th, 7am.
  3. Ragnar team in need of 3 more team members (Aug 12-14th?)
  4. Laps for Life- SRQ teen pregnancy center virtual relay team
  5. Wild Pax Dec 3-5, more info to come


  1. Crabcakes M is in Maryland for work and family stuff
  2. Stagecoach job search
  3. ChiliPepper kids swap
  4. Ripken’s father-in-law on Hospice BUT no longer in pain so praises for that
  5. Shamwow’s continued recovery from appendectomy
  6. Ben and David as they continue to fight cancer
  7. Props cousins cancer is NOT spreading so they can now move forward with removal
  8. Thurmanator‘s friend looking for a job
  9. Props friend Nate lost his 18 y/o son
  10. Double Time’s cousin is in remission

Thanks for playing this morning boys; it’s always an honor.

Win the Day!


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