AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 06/04/2021


Number of Pax: 26

Pax Names: Bing, Bluegrass, Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Condenser, Denali, Drake, Goob, Gridlock, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Papa Smurf, Pincher, Pudge, Pyro, Rapino, Ripken, Sea Lion, ShamWow, Sir Wallace, Smarty Pants, Steel, Thor, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

So today is an important day, Like Christmas 4 Me.. Today is Royal H. Burpee 124st birthday.

A brief history of the Burpee.. Created in 1939 to find a simple way to assess a subject’s fitness level. Used to qualify those enlisting for WWII. Later studies found in a 3 minute test The best male participant completed 82 burpees. Cameron Dorn broke two burpee world records: the most burpees performed in 12 hours with 5,657 and the most burpees completed in 24 hours with 10,105, that is an average of 7 burpees a minute.

So let’s mozy. Nur! Then we performed the Super Sexy, comprised or Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, Pickle Pounders, Homer To Marge and Hot Chicks. We ran towards the lower parking lot while doing butt kickers and high knees.

Now the WAD.. Pax were to get in groups of 3 or 4 and each do the following exercises. Once a PAX completes the given exercise they are able to help other fellow PAX until all the team completes and can move on to the next.

The DISURPTOR is every 60 seconds perform 4 Burpees.

• 124x American Hammers
• 124x Leg raises
• 124x LBC’s
• 124x Alt Heel Touches
• 124x Crunchy Frog (v position, hug your knees)
• 124x Side bend heel touch

We completed 31 round of 4 burpees. (124 years 31*4=124). As we had a downrange PAX, to finish the beatdown off, JAIL BRAKE, to the top of the NBP tower. We planked and back down for the COT.

Welcome Cyborg for coming down and joining us! Hope to see you again soon!

Run across America Saturday 6/12 at AP 7:00 AM

Mr Clean’s surgery went well. Continued prayers for fast recovery.
Dragnet’s visit up north to help, support and encourage his Mother.
Drakes 2.0s and their recovery from potential Covid.
Wolverine’s 2.0 and her recovery from a gash in her upper leg requiring stiches and staples.

1 thought on “Christmas in June? Burpees!!!”

  1. To my fellow brothers of F3 Suncoast.

    Thanks for the warm welcome – I truly enjoyed it and thanks for the beat down @chilipepper. While I’ve been called a “cyborg” by some of my fellow PAX in F3 Charleston, my F3 name is Borg (Roy Francia).

    I look forward to SYITG soon with you all for sure during my next visit to Sarasota.

    #F3STRONG #bettertogether

    SYITG! ?????



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