Welcome Back Marvel!!

Brutus tipped us off on Sunday evening that Marvel, after 8 months away for Army training, was planning on attending in the gloom.  Obviously, this was great news and many…

Security Guards

Weather was delightful on this Friday morning. After reciting the five core principles, we begin the usual mosey. We were quickly redirected by security guards who told us that the…

Winter Has Come

Winter has arrived in Florida. Temperatures this morning plunged down as far as about 75°C and with the wind-chill it felt more like 70°C. As the PAX shivered in the…

Rinse and Repeato

We’ll call this one- Rinse and repeat.  As Goob typed up the backblast from Adventure Park, he decided to check out the Q list for the remainder of the week. …

Morning WOD (Word of the day) Wait

18 Pax for 5th day of the Chilipepper week of beatdowns.  Pax gathered at top parking lot, 5 core principles and disclaimers were shared and Mozy incorporating… Super Sexy  10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Pickle Pointers, 10…

Morning WOD (Word of the day) Pray

Nice breeze, 72 degrees, 93% humidity. Great Koenig to lug some coupons. • 5 core principles and disclaimers were announced. The Mozy, big sexy!! High knees, pickle ponders, pickle pointers,…

ALEX and the IronPax Week 3-B

Split Q today in the Gloom!  Zeus – JD and Chilipepper with IPC Week 3.   PAX in attendance 24   The Iron Pax “Awsome” group headed down to the…

Buckeye Beatdown #2

PREP: YHC arrived a few minutes early to tape sets of exercises to 3 of the 4 light poles down the center of the parking lot and deposit some coupons…

Iron Pax Week 2 B Day

5 Core Principles were expressed and quick grab your coupons, this IronPax Week 2 beatdown is timed at 43 min!  The Thang was explained and we proceeded to the pain!…

Dasher Boards of Pain

Weather: 73 degrees, only slightly gross humidity With today being Labor Day, the start of the beatdown was moved from 5.15 to 7.00, which also gave YHC a good excuse…