When: 09/12/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Big Mac, Bing, BP 20, Lobstah, Olympus, Pincher, Red Card, Sir Wallace, Spackler, Tugboat,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

5 Core Principles were expressed and quick grab your coupons, this IronPax Week 2 beatdown is timed at 43 min!  The Thang was explained and we proceeded to the pain!


  • 6 cones 25 Yard (75 FT) from center “bucket”.  Go around cone on left to right.
  • 400 Meter Run.
  • 43 min to complete
  • Complete Round is 220 Reps.

The Thang

Start with 400 Meter Run come back to the “bucket” and do 10 Trustors.  Rifle carrying your coupons, proceed to each spoke completing 25 of the listed exercise then rifle carry your coupon back to the “bucket” and complete 10 Thrusters.  Continue until you have hit each spoke.  Rinse and repeat with the 400 Meter Run.

  • *Thruster – Squat Thruster.  Squats need to be parallel or below.  Overhead press at top, full extension, head “through the window”
  • *Decline Merkin – Feet on block.  Body in straight line.  Chest to ground, arms fully extended at top.
  • *Blockee – Burpee with block.  Chest to block on merkin, arms fully extended at top of merkin.    Overhead press at top, full extension, head “through the window”
  • *Weighted Squat – Block behind head (see video), squats need to be parallel or below.  Chest facing forward.
  • *KB Swings – Swing only to eye level.  No need to swing higher.  Block with a “taint touch” on bottom.  (Note, due to Covid and Taint Touch, we strongly recommend not sharing blocks)
  • *Vertical Chest Press – Standard chest press lying on back.  Block held in vertical position.  Full extension at top, block to chest at bottom.
  • *Alpos – (see video) this is a high pull exercise.  Grab block with arms crossed.  Stand straight up.  High Pull so that your wrist touches your chin.  Arms fully extended at bottom.  (You can bounce if you want to)

From <>



Respect our F3 brother from F3 The Fort who is now with our Creator.  Pax called out Jay Griggs, 52, Cash.  Tribute to our fallen pax.


  • Special Siesta Key beatdown on Sept 19th to celebrate Wolverines “OldNess”
  • Ripken’s M, waiting for test results
  • Chilipeppers brother in law’s dad.  Cancer, waiting for tests results.
  • Roudy ‘s M and her Mothers Passing.  Prayers for travel and family unity.
  • Respect and #TAPs for our fallen brother, Cash from @F3TheFort and his family.

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