AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 09/22/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Big Mac, Chilipepper, Dr Feelgood, Goob, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Nice breeze, 72 degrees, 93% humidity. Great Koenig to lug some coupons.

• 5 core principles and disclaimers were announced. The Mozy, big sexy!! High knees, pickle ponders, pickle pointers, butt clickers, monkey squats, sexy chicks and nur.

Coupons were distributed and to the base of the tower.

The Thang

• 10 man makers, up tower, 20 HR merkins, down tower
• 10 man makers, 20 squat thrusters, up tower, 20 HR merkins, down tower
• 10 man makers, 20 squat thrusters, 30 over head presses, up tower, 20 HR merkins, down tower
• 10 man makers, 20 squat thrusters, 30 over head presses, 40 big boys, up tower, HR 20 merkins, down tower
• 10 man makers, 20 squat thrusters, 30 over head presses, 40 big boys, 50 curls, up tower, 20 HR merkins, down tower
• 10 man makers, 20 squat thrusters, 30 over head presses, 40 big boys, 50 curls, 60 lunges, up tower, 20 HR merkins, down tower

Expansion Clown car event to Avalon Park for New Mustard Seed 9/26.
IPC last Week, Week 4. Killer Bunnies!

Prayer Requests
Snapshot’s brother in law David. Fight with cancer, upcoming tests.
Ripken’s father in laws’s Heath, continued battle with cancer.
Chilipepper’s brother in laws father with cancer diagnosis.
Chilipepper’s 2.3 and Fam.
First responders, our country!

Morning WOD (Word of the day) Pray!

Second, Pray. Prayer is a discipline and tool given to us by God. As disciples we ought to pray like we ought to work a job, or we ought to love our families, or we ought to eat. Without eating, we starve ourselves. Our bodies give us warning signs that we respond to and we say, I’d better get something to eat. Well, we can starve our lives of God by not praying. We ought to desire to speak to our creator and perfecter like we ought to desire to eat food. And we pray in the Holy Spirit meaning, he is the one who connects us with the Father. He is our phone line or wireless signal. Without him, we are simply roaming.

WOW (Word of the Week)
Jude 20-25
20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,

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