Hot Laps and Pain

Weather: 55 and perfect A much smaller than usual Wednesday crew was ready to take on a challenge, so we took off for a few laps around the bus lot including the usual warm up exercises of high knees, butt kickers and karaoke x2. COP included the following: Windmills x10 IC Imperial Walkers x10 IC …

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Kotter on the Q

Sunrise on the horizon as we launched into our mosey, led by Yo Yo Ma. The lions were making their presence known with fierce and majestic bellowing the entire beatdown. It was as if our bodies were given voice. The Thang Warmorama: Arm Circles Moroccan Night Clubs Don Quixotes Side Straddle Hops 3-stance Air Squats …

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50 and Over Club

Dear F3 “Kids” While all you kids were fartsacking the AARP club members were busy staying in shape at NBP. In case you want to know what we were doing we started off with a quick Mosy then did some Strawberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, then Jimmy Dean led us thru some P90 stretches, then we …

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SWAT Training

Weather – 48 and Gloomy As the Pax settled in with some early mumble chatter, Sniper shared the core principles of F3 and we took off for a mosey around the parking lot with some skipping, high knees, butt kickers and Karaoke x2. COP included: SSH x20 IC Strawberry Pickers x10 IC Windmills – x10 …

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Pitchers & Catcher Report

(Picture is Jimmy Dean’s attempt at The Closer) On a cool, but glorious morning, the PAX showed up with gloves ready for Spring Training.  We each grabbed our balls (baseballs for you with a weak mind).  These were to be kept with us the whole workout.  Bing noted he hasn’t seen his since his wedding …

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VQ at the Lion Pride

Sfter a Mosy up the hill and warm-a-rama, we did some Agassi’s, throw in a couple of wheel barrow strolls, then a few laps up and around grandma and mother hills, throwing in some tri-dips, incline leg raises and coakroaches along the way, just to wrap it up with a round of Merry alphabet style.

Noland Backblast

Was a wonderful morning to stroll all the way around Noland School. After a Mosy around the parking lot we took the work out out of the parking lot towards Greenbrook and jogged all the around the outside of the Noland School stopping 4 times. Stop 1 – Standing “Long” Jumps – 25c Squats 25c …

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