Noland Backblast

Was a wonderful morning to stroll all the way around Noland School.

After a Mosy around the parking lot we took the work out out of the parking lot towards Greenbrook and jogged all the around the outside of the Noland School stopping 4 times.

Stop 1 –

Standing “Long” Jumps – 25c

Squats 25c

Stop 2

Merkins 25c

Burpees 10c

Stop 3

Using the benches

Dips 25c

Elevated merkins 20c

Stop 4

Mountain Climbers 20c

Freddy Mercuries 20c

Ran back to parking lot and over to basketball courts

1 set of forward and backwards suicides

Side shuffles from one end of court to other 3 times

Side Jumps (like skiing) from one end of court to other once

At this point in time my thighs were BURNING

With more time still left we did a round of 11’s from the end line to midcourt

SSH on one end and Carolina Dry Docks on the other

Jogged back to the parking lot for a final round of 11’s doing

Moroccan Night Clubs on one end and American Hammers on the other.

Prayers and Praises for our PAX members and family going thru medical issues and personal issues. Patience for those of us that need it for many reasons.

Also we discussed the hope that the numbers especially on Sat for our workouts will begin to increase again now that the holidays are over.