Bridge Over Troubled Water

Today we avoided the Echo Chamber and vented east…to the bridge by the dog park that is.

After a necessary Mozy to ward of the demons of the night (and the post-holiday stiffness), we did a few warmups in the parking lot.

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Windmills
  • Strawberry Pickers
  • Cross Jacks
  • Merkins
  • Fast Knees
  • Ski Jumps

Then the fun began, 2 cycles.

10’s in cadence: squats, wide/slow merkins, donkey kicks, and plyo pushups (gettin’ air).

We then ran to the bridge, Bear Crawled over, Crab Walked back to top and Lunged down.

Back to the lot for water and 10’s again.  Back to bridge for walks on ledge with pull up.  Side Plank Walks back across and Egnuls (Lunge backward) down.  We did a few more runs over bridge and some Carolina Dry Docks.

Water break, but unfortunately we left water back at lot so had to run back to get it.  Bad Q planning!

During COT, lots of praises for Christmas, safe travel.  Requests for prayer for Pax’s marriages, kids to have good school semester, Bing’s back.  Mr. Clean on Q for Wednesday.  Several Pax doing Ringling Bridge Run this Saturday.  Go get ’em F3.