50 and Over Club

Dear F3 “Kids”

While all you kids were fartsacking the AARP club members were busy staying in shape at NBP.

In case you want to know what we were doing we started off with a quick Mosy then did some Strawberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, then Jimmy Dean led us thru some P90 stretches, then we ended off with some mountain climbers.

We then headed off on a run of about 2 miles where we stopped 3 times along the way. The first time we stopped we did 100 count of Merkins, LBC’s and SSH’s. The second stop we did 50 of each and the 3rd stop we did 25 of each, we then ran back to the starting point to do a final 25 of each for a total of 200 of each of them.

We still had time left so we did a round of 7’s of Carolina Dry Docks and Squats.

Was a great cool morning for a work out… sorry you could not make it.

Respectfully Yours,

Papa Smurf, Jimmy Dean, Sniper and Mr. Clean.