Recon of Twin Lakes

We were 10 strong for our recon of Twin Lakes Park in Sarasota

In honor of Badger in the SC PAX we were all dressed in Red.

We started off with a Mosy around the parking lots doing some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke’s.

We circled up and did some SSH’s, Strawberry pickers and Imperial Walkers.

Then began our exploration… 🙂

We headed over to the covered and lighted pavilion and used the picnic tables for some step up’s, dips and Durkins (Downward Merkins). We then headed for a run around one of the lakes on the shell path watching for tree roots and gators and back to the pavilion for more exercises.

We then headed towards the back of the park and found some paved roads and decided to do a round of 7’s doing Moroccan Night Clubs and American Hammers.

Over towards the ball field finding some bleachers and stairs for future use we circled up for some hilly billy walkers and SSH’s.

Running out of time we headed back to the starting point doing some running and Indian runs. We circled up for a round of Mary.

It was quickly determined that this is a great location to begin our expansion further into Sarasota and Hercules stepped right up and took ownership of the site.

This site will be on Tues at 5:15AM beginning Tues June 5th.