Running AO Recon Mission

Weather: Perfect running weather – 58 and low dew point.

Mission – check out a location to launch a pure running AO.  I think Ragnar has caused an itch that we all need to scratch!!

The track at LWR HS is locked down like a prison, so the pax took off for a run across LWR BLVD and into Central Park on a regular route for Pincher..then we decided to head into new territories and explore a bit.  In runners terms, just don’t get too lost.  We turned left, we turned left again, then we turned right, then we started to speed up, and then speed up some more, and boom, we were finished.  6 miles later with a few miles reaching sub 8-minute pace!  Great job, Pincher!!!  Best non-runner I’ve ever run with.

Don’t be scared off by the pace in the future.  Running AO’s are intended for all paces.  You find a running mate, you run. Sometimes your running mate isn’t there and you run solo a tad, but there is nothing wrong with that either.  We start together, and then we end with a COT (oops, we forgot to do that as we were getting dirty looks from high school kids as we likely parked in their spots this morning).

Stay tuned as this AO will become permanent.  Likely with a 5:15 or 5:30 start, and will usually go for 60 minutes.  Aye!


2 thoughts on “Running AO Recon Mission”

    • Old school! How are you brother? We haven’t landed on a place and time just yet. Hope to very soon. The track at LWR isn’t accessible so we are looking for more places to consider.

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